Baby tooth decay is the most prevalent oral disease in children whose parents should not be ignored. Because it can cause a series of serious complications.
Baby tooth decay comes primarily from poor oral hygiene. Then the plaque will survive many types of dangerous bacteria. The bacteria will affect the sugar contained in food plaque, produce and release organic matter, enzyme, convert starch into sugars and sugar into acid. These substances can dissolve organic matter and decompose the inorganic substance in the enamel structure and dentin to form deep black holes.
Initially, cavities do not show any specific signs, but when enamel and dentin are destroyed, the patient can feel the pain smoldering or clear aches. If baby tooth decay with the inflamed pulp, the most common symptoms is the sharp pain that sharpens the head.
The treatment of decay for children should be carried out as soon as possible. There are a lot of parents have the concept of children teeth when it was decayed no need care, especially primary teeth. In addition, primary teeth caries can cause a lot of consequences later, especially when the teeth can’t be kept and forced to eradicate.
If root of primary teeth was decay, it maybe affect on germ of permanent teeth later. When the permanent teeth grow, there will be no tightness that can be crooked, spilling. Chewing will be less, permanent teeth are not strong.
We will reference some information about the baby tooth decay
Incipient decay: Usually, for cases of deep teeth with new appearance of white spots, not formed, the method of mineral remediation is to use calcium, phosphate, fluorine fillings in the teeth. This is a fairly simple way for parents to take their child to the dental center to do.
Deep tooth decay: When cavities form deep black holes, causing severe pain as well as chipped teeth, it is important for the dentist to see if the condition is spread to the pulp later. In case of infection, it is necessary first to treat the endodontics treatment in order to preserve the tooth.
In some cases when the depth of the tooth is severe, causing inflamed dental pulp, abscess. Then it is best to send the baby to a reputable dental center to remove the baby tooth decay, to avoid complications that affect too much on the dentition permanent tooth later.
Use folk remedies prevent baby tooth decay, these are measures that have been used for a long time. The therapeutic uses of these methods have been demonstrated in scientific studies:
Use salt

Salt has a very effective antiseptic. You can use a little salt mixed with water for rinsing baby mouth to antiseptic cavities, pain due to baby tooth decay. If you use salt water regularly, the bacteria will be retained, the pain of the baby will no longer. However, do not mix water with too much salt or salt water because it can cause your baby’s digestive system to be affected.
Use lime juice

Like salt, lemon has a very effective antiseptic effect. Use small toothpick to penetrate the lemon juice, then rub on the baby tooth decay will prevent, limit the spread of tooth decay.
Lemon juice is good for curing decay
Apply ice

Cold water plays a role of anesthesia, effective pain relief. Use a few stones wrapped in a small towel and apply to the outside of the skin near the affected tooth. The pain caused by tooth decay will quickly soften and partly stop the growth of bacteria.
Thus, the best way to cure baby tooth decay and whether it is necessary to remove it will depend on the child’s actual dental condition after the doctor visits in detail. Parallel to the treatment, you should also care about dental hygiene for children. Children are not aware of oral care so parents need guidance and encouragement