Whether or not braces weaken real teeth? -

Whether or not braces weaken real teeth?

Whether or not braces weaken real teeth?

Accurate orthodontic alignment is the correct repositioning of real teeth. In some situations, it is also necessary to remove some teeth to create the necessary space. So whether or not braces weaken real teeth? Let’s learn right here.

Whether or not braces weaken real teeth?

Before choosing braces solution you must have learned a lot of information about this service. However, there are many informal and inaccurate oral information that make you worry.

There are many questions around whether or not braces weaken real teeth? And the answer is that braces will not weaken real teeth.


Because real teeth have the ability to “move” in the jawbone. They can move from one position to another if affected by traction for a long time.

In the early stages of orthodontic process, the teeth begin to show signs of movement. You will find that your teeth appear to be more “loose”. And this is the time to make you wonder whether or not braces weaken real teeth.

However, rest assured, braces do not weaken real teeth. The above situation is a very normal condition. When the teeth move, the bone that comes into contact with the root is not fully filled at the moment, making it feel “weak”. But soon the jawbone will be stimulated to develop and fill the gap. The teeth will be solid immediately.

But is the answer correct in every situation?

On the other hand, the answer to the question of whether or not braces weaken real teeth will be YES.

Why is there such a conflicting answer to the first part of the talk?

Orthodontic experts make the following comments:

@If you are not well examined at the first steps. Not exactly predicting what will happen during the orthodontic process. Surely the actual treatment will have many risks and complications.

@ If the doctor performed the technique incorrectly. Or too hurry in moving the teeth in order to shorten the treatment time according to the wishes of the patient. These “should not” things will put the risk of damage to the teeth.

In addition to technical factors the performance is directly influenced by the expertise of the physician. There are still some other factors that can make the braces process weaken real teeth. Such as:

@ Dental hygiene is not good, plaque accumulation and more tartar. Causing harmful bacteria to multiply and inflame the gums. The longer it is, the more harmful to dental health. Gingivitis, periodontitis will make the teeth very weak and there is a risk of tooth loss.

Poor oral hygiene during braces will increase the risk of weakening real teeth.
Poor oral hygiene during braces will increase the risk of weakening real teeth.

Because of the above, experts always recommend that you need to perform orthodontics at prestigious clinics; Having a highly qualified and experienced doctor; There are advanced devices that handle every step of the process well.

So the question of whether or not braces weaken real teeth has been answered in many respects.

And to minimize the possible harm encountered during orthodontic braces. You need specific examination and advice for your case with a specialist.

You can go directly to Quoc Binh Dental Clinic in Vung Tau – Add 1: 19 Pham Hong Thai, Ward 7, Vung Tau.

Or contact 0914 83 9966/0254 383 9966 to make an appointment with Dr. Phan Quoc Binh – the main doctor specializing in orthodontics and Implant transplant.

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