There are 3 stages:
- Inflamed dental pulp can be well
- Inflamed dental pulp does not heal
- Dead dental pulp, necrosis

Let’s find out in detail:
Inflamed dental pulp can be well:
At this stage, the patient has transient pain, mainly because the patient had previously had decay without treatment. The pain will appear at night, feeling more clear. And when the temperature changes, food that is too cold or too hot will also cause toothache.
Because this is a short but difficult period to detect, and if the dental pulp is detected and treated at this stage, the pulp is restored to its original state.
Inflamed dental pulp does not heal:
The majority of patients coming for treatment have reached the stage of irreversible myelitis. And there are the following symptoms and signs to better understand the situation:
Symptoms: pain naturally, no need to be stimulated, pain spread over on the head and the face, causes uncomfortable feelings and painful sleep.
The pain will appear last for hours, adding that, at this stage we see clearly that there appear tiny holes appearing on the surface of the teeth.
Dead dental pulp, necrosis:
This is the last stage and causes the patient to no longer feel pain, the disease has developed severely and causes bone marrow failure, tooth decay, bone loss, affecting the chewing function as well as the aesthetic of the teeth.
To prevent and keep the best teeth you should be regularly visit professional dental prestige to be checked periodically and if detected early, we will treatment timely.