Molar tooth No.7 is the tooth that play an important role in daily chewing. But if unfortunately, they have pain, what should to do? Need conservation treatment or to remove? Let’s find the following answer
What is molar tooth No.7?
You’ve often heard of wisdom teeth – tooth number 8, because it’s the most annoying tooth. Complicated wisdom teeth can have serious consequences. And molar tooth No.7 is rarely heard of.
However, molar tooth No.7 is the tooth that plays an important role in the teeth. This is a large molar in front of wisdom teeth. Located in the group of molars has a major role in crushing food. Therefore, if extracted tooth No. 7, it will affect this function.
Not to mention that the jaw bone will gradually disappear when the molar tooth No.7 is removed, and cause dislocation of the remaining teeth; This leads to the risk of deforming the lower part of the face.

So when should to extract molar tooth No. 7?
Before deciding to remove this tooth, consider and choose the most beneficial factor for you.
When tooth No. 7 is damaged, if it cannot be treated for conservation, the last measure is we should remove it. A number of factors make it easy to make a decision:
- Molar tooth No.7 grow underground, deviated seriously affecting the health of adjacent teeth.
- Large broken teeth, horizontal fractures, cracked root … can’t retain root.
- Heavy tooth decay, damage to the pulp chamber, disrupting tooth structure. Or also combine other diseases such as root inflammation, periodontitis. Not only does the tooth cause soreness but it also stirs and inflames the jawbone. This is a situation that needs early treatment to avoid harm to adjacent teeth.
Is extraction of molar tooth No.7 dangerous?
When molar tooth No.7 encounters damage that treatment cannot be conserved, a tooth extraction solution will be an appropriate option.
So tooth extraction tooth No.7 is safe? Are there any complications? … These are issues that you often care about, right?
Surely tooth extraction will be an unforgettable experience in life. When you extracted your teeth, you will not feel pain. But after coming home, the anesthetic dissipates, a slight pain will appear. However, this feeling will soon go away in the first 2-3 days.
So what we need to consider is the issue of tooth extraction molar tooth No.7 is dangerous? Teeth number 7 in the upper and lower jaws are different. This is a multi-leg tooth and resides in a place where many nerves go through. Therefore, when extractions need to be done at prestigious clinics, with experienced doctors, and adequate medical equipment.
No need to go far, extracting molar tooth No. 7 safely in Vung Tau, where should we go?
If you are living and working in Vung Tau, you can go to Quoc Binh Dental Clinic right away.
Here, you are not only carefully examined, but throughout the treatment process is carried out properly and safely. With modern machinery system, highly skilled doctors, will help you feel secure, break up the broken molar tooth No. 7
Some references for the extraction process in dentistry:
- Actual inspection of teeth and x-rays to examine the condition of the teeth. From there the dentist will make appropriate indications.
- Sanitation, antiseptic mouth.
- Local anesthetic for tooth extraction.
- Carry out tooth extractions using separate tools. All devices used for the extraction of tooth No. 7 are properly sterile.
- Hemostasis and instructions on how to take care of your teeth after extraction.
- Prescribe pain relievers, anti-inflammatories and re-appointment dates.
So has completed the tooth extraction process already.
Note: after tooth extraction, the first few days there will be pain and a little bleeding due to the residual fluid in the cavity. But if the pain is getting worse, and bleeding is high over the course of a week, you need to go back to the dentist.
Choosing a safe extraction site will help you feel secure and comfortable, contributing to better dental health.
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Chief physician PHAN QUOC BINH
Add 1: 19 Pham Hong Thai, Ward 7, Vung Tau City.
(Sunday break every week)
☎️ 09148399 66 / (0254) 383 99 66
Add 2: 28 Le Loi, Ward 4, Vung Tau.
(Every Saturday break)
☎️ (0254) 381 83 18
Add 3: 649 Truong Cong Dinh, Ward 8, Vung Tau
Dentist in charge of Dr. NGUYEN HUU CHIEN
☎️ 0708 649 649
(Closed every Friday)
⏰ Working time: 7h30-11h30, 14h-20h30
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