Following the topic of the dental implant of the previous post, we will be sharing Implant specialist’s answers on a number of other situations that affect the outcome of the treatment.
Details of Implant specialist’s answers are as follows:
1 / Patients involved in radiotherapy and dental implants:
If a patient is currently undergoing radiotherapy in the head and neck area, implants should not be implanted.
The cause is very specific, as head and neck radiotherapy will have an effect on the outcome of the jaw bone transplant and the success of the implant.
The effects of radiation therapy will be indicative of dry mouth and inflammation oral mucositis, reduced cell production, reduced blood oxygen levels, decreased white blood cell counts and increased risk of infection, decreased to integrate bone …
Therefore, with these subjects, if implants need to do, should be do after the end of radiation therapy at least 12 months. Then the body can recover and balance the factors that can affect the results of the transplant.
2 / Should pregnant women get a dental implant?
It is recommended that implant should not be transplanted during pregnancy.
The maternal body during pregnancy is extremely sensitive. And any impact on the mother will also affect the fetus.
As you know, during dental implantation, radiography or CT conebeam should be performed, and at the same time anesthesia, and anti-inflammatory medications…not to mention at this stage, the oral health of the mother there are signs of inflammation such as periodontitis, gingivitis … at the same time quite stressful psychology will greatly affect the fetus.
However, there are some cases which the mother has implants finished before pregnant. Then, does the restoration phase have any health problems? Just complete the transplant before pregnancy, the restoration process will be much milder for pregnant women.
However, the advice from the doctor, in addition to dental interventions to prevent disease, all other treatment should be do after postnatal will be best for mother and baby.
3 / Can a person with diabetes have a dental implant?
Diabetes is now classified as a special case that needs careful monitoring if you want to transplant.
Patients with diabetes often have limited surgical intervention. Diabetes often causes inflammation, and wounds are harder to heal than normal people.
Therefore, if the patient is in the developing disease stage, the implant will result in a worsening of the wound. The implant is not integrated with the jaw bone and results in a failed implant.
However, it can not be negated there are cases where transplant success for patients with this disease. If people with diabetes are well controlled and dental implants are an essential option for their life. You can consult with your GP and your dentist to make the decision that best fits your situation.
4/ Can the person with osteoporosis get a dental implant? And Implant specialist’s answers?
Throughout the sharing about the implants, you will often hear the phrase “integrated bone” between implants and jawbone. So, with osteoporosis, how does this condition affect implantation?
In fact, restructuring will vary between bones. It is difference on trabecular bone and cortical bone, and different locations of the trabecular bone.
Upper jaw bone structure much trabecular bone, lower jaw bone structure much cortical bone.
The combination, bone production after transplantation between healthy bones and osteoporosis is basically no different. As such, implants for people have osteoporosis are still as successful as normal people.
At the end of the second part of the Implant specialist’s answers, it maybe helped the person in good health and even those who are special subjects have answers for their condition.
However, to be most specific and to determine the success of dental implants, you need to be examined and monitored by specialists in the field.
Implant specialist group – Quoc Binh Dental Clinic