Baby teeth are the first teeth to appear in a baby’s early years. This is also quite important teeth. So do you know how long baby teeth grow? And what should be done to help your baby feel comfortable with teething? Reference immediately below
How long do the baby teeth grow?
Teething at the right time is a sign that the baby’s body develops normally.
Baby tooth germs are available in the jawbone, but it takes a certain time to pop up. The average time suitable for the first tooth to erupt is about 6 months old. When the baby is 12 months old, there will be about 6 baby teeth, and by 2 years he will have a full 20 teeth.
In some children, the time for teething is slightly different. There is a baby with the first tooth when 4-5 months old, or sometimes 8 months, but parents are not too worried. Because only in the first year of life teething is acceptable.
Explore more:
“Baby at 8 months of age have not teething yet, is this unusual?”

@ We all refer to the stages of teething, right below:
- The first 2 incisors of the upper jaw and the first 2 incisors of the lower jaw erupt at 5-8 months of age
- 4 side incisors of 2 jaws erupted at: 7-10 months of age.
- The first 4 molars sprouted at 12-16 months
- 4 canines of 2 jaws grow in about 14-20 months of age
- The remaining 4 molars will grow when the baby is 20-32 months old.
What expression helps parents to recognize the baby is about to teething?
Often the teething stage in children will lead to other problems related to general health. Therefore, parents need to monitor and have a suitable way to help the baby feel most comfortable.
Some symptoms show that your baby is teething:
- Saliva flows at any time. The reason is that the teething process stimulates the salivary glands to work harder. Note that too much drooling can cause choking and coughing.
- Small lumps appear on the gums.
- Babies like to chew and bite to reduce discomfort in the gums when their teeth are about to emerge.
- The baby is irritable, crying a lot because the swollen gums are causing pain.
- Your baby may also experience diarrhea and fever.
- Do not sleep very well. And may stop feeding / loss of appetite
So how to help children feel more comfortable during the teething process?
Almost in children, every baby has gone through the above stages when teething. So this is also a difficult period for both babies and parents. Parents need to grasp the situation and immediately implement the tips to help our children feel more comfortable.
Such as:
- When your baby doesn’t like to eat, you shouldn’t force it. Divide the meal into several small meals. Choose soft foods that are easy to chew and swallow like porridge.
- For children with a fever when teething, parents should consult a doctor for appropriate treatment.
- In babies with diarrhea several times a day. Parents should give babies plenty of fluids to replenish their electrolytes.
- Gently clean your child’s teeth with a clean wet gauze pad.
- Parents can also use clean fingertips to massage the baby’s gums, helping to relieve pain when the baby teething.
- Being closer, cuddling and talking with your child more helps them feel their parents love.
- Create games that your baby likes to help reduce your baby’s focus on teething.
Thus, we have just gone through the difficult first phase of a baby’s life that teething. Caring for your children at the right time and the right way will help them always see abundant love and health.
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