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How does a dental implantation protect your smile?

How does a dental implantation protect your smile?

Dental implantation are a popular method to improve your oral health. If you are losing your teeth, or are wearing a removable denture, a dental implantation will be a great suggestion to help you maintain a healthy and lasting smile. When missing teeth, if you have not done instant dental implantation, you ignored. Surely this […]

What parents need to prepare for helping child’s orthodontics is effective?

What parents need to prepare for helping child's orthodontics is effective?

Orthodontics is effective at the stage of the developing age. May start around 7 years old. However, at this age, the baby is not aware of the importance of orthodontics. Therefore, parents should prepare well to help them have a healthy diet, and good psychology. What is the first thing parents need to do to […]

Do we have the combination treatment of orthodontics braces and porcelain crowns?

Do we have the combination treatment of orthodontics braces and porcelain crowns?

When your teeth are deviated, sparse teeth …or any situation that you have to think of the orthodontics treatment. This method will help move the teeth to the correct position for close and equal. As for the shape of the teeth, the surface of teeth want to be beautiful, how to handle it? Do we have the combination treatment of orthodontics braces and porcelain crowns?

Aesthetic dental fillings with composite – Things to know

Aesthetic dental fillings with composite - Things to know

Aesthetic dental fillings are a great help for patients who are suffering from a bad tooth condition, dental caries, or small damage teeth. Nowadays, aesthetic dental fillings with composite are very popular, because this method make teeth is beautiful but also protect the teeth. For more detail, please refer to the information below. First, we […]

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