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Author Archives: HaThuy

Notes when treating braces with minivis

Notes when treating braces with minivis

In orthodontic braces with minivis, patients assigned to use this method should note some of the following important characteristics. 1. Have knowledge about minivis to cooperate with doctors better. After careful examination, your doctor may suggest that you apply braces with minivis if your condition is consistent with this method. Minivis is a very small […]

Do you know that minivis can help shorten the period of treatment in orthodontics?

Do you know that minivis can help shorten the period of treatment in orthodontics?

In fact, deviant teeth not only affect aesthetics but also reduce the function of teeth. And thereby creating favorable conditions for a multitude of oral and dental diseases to develop. The most effective solution is orthodontic braces. Incorporating put minivis will significantly shorten the duration of treatment. So what is minivis? Minivis is a small […]

5 Misunderstandings about aesthetics porcelain crown

5 Misunderstandings about aesthetics porcelain crown

According to the current trend, aesthetics porcelain crown are very popular. However, there are still many customers who misunderstand or believe in false information about this method. Quoc Binh Dental Clinic hopes that through what is shared here, it will help you more clearly about aesthetic porcelain crown.   1.Aesthetics porcelain crown causes bad breath […]

When you have gingivitis, what should you eat to get better?

When you have gingivitis, what should you eat to get better?

Having health having all, including dental health. A disease that people often get, like gingivitis, will be cured quickly if you have a proper diet. As the previous article shared, “Signs of gingivitis easy to identify and the prevention“. You probably already know the serious consequences if you don’t cure the disease in time. However, […]

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