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Author Archives: HaThuy

What should we eat after do dental implant?

What should we eat after do dental implant?

When you have a proper diet, your body will be healthier, accelerating the healing process. What should we eat after do dental Implant to provide adequate nutrients for helping the process of integrating bone, and healing soft tissue quickly? In the era of great technological development today; Implants method makes an important contribution to help […]

Why do we have sensitive teeth? Causes and Treatments

Why do we have sensitive teeth? Causes and Treatments

The state of tooth sensitivity – not one’s own business. If you feel that your teeth are sensitive when eating something is hot or cold, sour or too sweet … then it may be a sign of sensitive teeth. It is very easy to be seen when the dentist survey on 100 patients came to dental clinic, about 80% of customers had sensitive teeth.

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